
Perry Johnson Fights Back: RNC and Fox News Hit with FEC Complaint!

Republican presidential candidate Perry Johnson has taken a bold stance against what he deems a “corrupt debate process” by filing a complaint with the Federal Electoral Commission against Fox News and the Republican National Committee (RNC). Johnson, a long-shot candidate, went to great lengths to meet the qualifications for the RNC debates, even selling $1 T-shirts to gather enough individual donors. Unfortunately for him, his polling numbers fell short of the required threshold of 1%, therefore excluding him from the debate.

In a strongly worded 60-page complaint to the FEC, Johnson accused Fox News and the RNC of colluding to manipulate the candidate selection process for the Republican presidential primary debate on August 23, 2023. He argued that by outsourcing the debate participation criteria to the RNC, Fox News allowed the RNC to exert control over a crucial opportunity for primary candidates. According to Johnson, this violated the Commission’s requirements for hosting candidate debates and constituted prohibited corporate contributions to participating candidates.

Johnson’s complaint brings attention to potential violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 committed by both Fox News and the RNC. Concerned about the upcoming 2024 presidential primary debates, including one hosted by FOX Business, Johnson urged the Commission to condemn these alleged violations swiftly. He expressed his desire to prevent further manipulation of the primary process and ensure that the American public has access to comprehensive information about the legitimate candidates for the Republican nomination.

Johnson is not alone in his dissatisfaction with the debate criteria. Fellow candidates Larry Elder and Will Hurd have also voiced their concerns and taken action. Elder revealed his plan to sue the RNC to halt the scheduled debate, emphasizing that he fully met all the requirements to participate. Hurd echoed their sentiments, describing the lack of transparency and confusion surrounding the RNC’s debate requirements as unacceptable and contrary to the democratic process.

These candidates’ protests shed light on the contentious nature of the Republican primary debates and raise important questions about the fairness and integrity of the process. While some may dismiss these complaints as sour grapes from underdog candidates, Perry Johnson, Larry Elder, and Will Hurd make valid points about the need for transparency, consistency, and equal opportunities in the pursuit of the Republican nomination for president.

Written by Staff Reports

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