
Polls Plunge: DeSantis Axed Campaign Manager in Dramatic Shakeup!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is causing some waves in his presidential campaign by abruptly replacing his campaign manager. Generra Peck is out, and James Uthmeier, the governor’s longtime chief-of-staff, is in. This shake-up has raised concerns about the campaign’s direction and strategy, especially after its recent “reset.”

The decision to install Uthmeier as the new campaign manager is surprising, considering he has no experience leading a political campaign, let alone a national one. However, the campaign insists that Uthmeier will be advised by Peck during the transition. In a statement, Uthmeier decided to call the change a “reload” rather than a “reset,” showing his determination to keep the campaign moving forward.

Uthmeier is confident in Governor DeSantis’s ability to win, despite any doubts or criticisms that come his way. He cites DeSantis’s previous victories over primary candidate Adam Putnam and media-favored candidate Andrew Gillum, as well as his recent win over Charlie Crist. Uthmeier emphasizes DeSantis’s record-breaking fundraising efforts and the support of a super PAC with a whopping $100 million in funds. He believes the campaign has what it takes to come out on top.

Assisting Uthmeier in his new role will be David Polyansky, who is leaving the pro-DeSantis super PAC Never Back Down to become the deputy campaign manager. Polyansky is known for his success in leading presidential campaigns through the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses, and he boasts an always-winning record. With these two individuals at the helm, the DeSantis campaign is determined to secure victory.

Former campaign manager Peck has taken the change in stride, stating that it only benefits DeSantis. She praises the governor’s aggressive campaign strategy and believes that Uthmeier’s leadership will strengthen the team. Peck is confident that the campaign is built to last and built to win.

Although Uthmeier lacks political experience, a senior aide to the governor reassures supporters that he is more than capable of going head-to-head with the formidable Trump operation. The aide praises Uthmeier’s loyalty, honesty, and belief in conservative principles. They believe that he is the right person to manage the campaign and help DeSantis secure the White House.

As the campaign prepares for the Republican National Committee’s first debate, all eyes will be on DeSantis. However, there is speculation that President Trump may skip the debate and hold his own event instead. Trump’s confidence in his lead in the polls could be a factor in this decision, as he may want to avoid potential roasting from DeSantis and other challengers.

Written by Staff Reports

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