
Polls Show Growing Dissatisfaction with Biden, Trump Gains Ground Among Key Voter Demographics

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, many Americans are feeling dissatisfied with the direction of the country under President Joe Biden. A recent Hart Research/Public Opinion Strategies/NBC News poll showed that over half of Americans are concerned that the country cannot endure another four years under Biden’s leadership. In fact, a staggering 73 percent of likely voters believe that the United States has been led “out of control” under Biden’s administration, favoring former President Donald Trump as the preferred candidate for the upcoming election.

Additionally, an overwhelming majority of Americans, close to three-quarters, feel that the country is on the wrong path, marking the highest level of discontent for any president, as documented by the Hart Research/Public Opinion Strategies/NBC News poll. This contrastingly surpasses the sentiment during the terms of former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. The numbers also indicate a significant increase in dissatisfaction compared to just three months ago.


Another poll by NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist revealed that a large portion of independent voters view Biden as a more significant threat to democracy than Trump. This shift in sentiment comes as polling data demonstrates Biden’s struggles in retaining support from non-white and young voters. In the 2020 election, Biden had gained substantial support from these demographics, but recent surveys show Trump gaining ground among young, Black, and Hispanic voters. According to a recent Fox News poll, Trump is even tied with Biden among Americans under 30 in a two-way matchup. In a broader scope including third-party candidates, Trump leads among younger voters by ten points.

A USA Today/Suffolk University survey depicted Trump leading Biden by five points among Hispanic voters. Furthermore, a Wall Street Journal poll indicated that a considerable percentage of black men and women are planning to vote for Trump in the upcoming election. These polling trends suggest a potential shift in voter support towards Trump among key demographics, signifying a challenging path ahead for President Biden in the upcoming election.

Written by Staff Reports

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