
Pro-Hamas Agitators Sabotage Thanksgiving Parade – See How It Ends!

It was only a matter of time before the deranged “pro-Palestine” crowd made an appearance at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. These extremists once again made complete fools of themselves. They went so far as to glue their hands to the ground, wearing ridiculous white jumpsuits covered in fake blood. The NYPD had to divert the parade’s balloons around these idiots as they demanded “Liberation for Palestine and Climate,” as if those two things have anything to do with each other!

Luckily, the crowd booed them and made it clear that their attempt to shut down the whole parade was a failure. The video below shows the balloons continuing to float by, while these pro-Hamas protestors screamed in agony as they were peeled off the ground. It was quite the spectacle, and admittedly, quite entertaining.

It’s important to remember that these agitators only oppress themselves with their nonsense. They throw themselves onto the road, hoping to be crushed by a giant inflatable character or a car shaped like Grimace from McDonald’s. All of this, just to demand an end to U.S. aid to Israel and for the Jewish State to be defenseless against Iran-backed terrorists. It’s truly absurd. And let’s not forget the signs they held up, boldly declaring “GENOCIDE THEN. GENOCIDE NOW.” These fools don’t even realize that it’s actually Hamas terrorists who have repeatedly stated their desire to wipe Israel off the map.

Fortunately, the NYPD detained and removed all of these troublemakers. This incident at the parade might just be a preview of what’s to come on Black Friday. Other groups have threatened to boycott, disrupt, and rally at commercial centers across the country. But if these pro-Hamas goons think they can glue themselves to the entrances of malls and stores, they’re in for a rude awakening. Shoppers care much more about getting a good deal on a new TV than some lunatic screaming about the destruction of Israel while stuck to the sidewalk.

Written by Staff Reports

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