
Psaki Faces Heat for Misleading Claims in Book on Biden

Jen Psaki, the former White House press secretary turned MSNBC anchor, is facing backlash for spreading lies about President Biden in her new book. The controversy surrounds a passage in Psaki’s book where she claims that Biden never looked at his watch during a ceremony for servicemembers killed during the Afghanistan withdrawal. However, news photos and accounts from Gold Star families contradict this claim, showing Biden checking his watch multiple times during the ceremony. 


It’s important to note the significance of this lie, as opponents of Biden, like former President Trump, have used images of him looking at his watch to paint him as insensitive and lacking empathy. Psaki’s attempt to rewrite history in her book is just one example of current and former Biden administration officials trying to downplay or misrepresent controversial events from the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Psaki’s response to the backlash was to promise to remove the falsehood from future copies of her book. However, the problem wasn’t just the misinformation about the number of times Biden looked at his watch, but the fact that she claimed he didn’t do it at all during the ceremony. This kind of deception is not surprising coming from individuals like Psaki, who prioritize their own narratives over the truth.

As an American, it’s concerning to see someone like Psaki, who is now positioned as a respected figure in the media, spreading blatant lies to protect the image of President Biden. This reinforces the belief that mainstream media personalities often prioritize their political agendas over honest reporting. It’s a reminder to be vigilant and seek out multiple sources of information to get the full picture of any news story.

Written by Staff Reports

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