
Raffensperger Declares War on Capitol Pranksters: Jail Time Looms

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is not here for any shenanigans or funny business, especially when it comes to bomb threats and other acts of cowardice. This man and his office have had it up to here with the tomfoolery happening at state capitols, including in his own peachy state of Georgia.

He came out swinging, demanding that the state General Assembly shape up and pass some tough laws to punish these troublemakers who think it’s funny to cause public alarm. Raffensperger didn’t mince words when he threw down the gauntlet, saying that “cowardice never wins.” And let’s be real, folks – he’s absolutely right!

In a bold move, Raffensperger also pointed out that a senior member of his office got swatted. Now, if you don’t know what swatting is, it’s when someone makes a fake emergency call to get a SWAT team to show up at an innocent person’s door. Who in their right mind thinks that kind of nonsense is OK? Not Raffensperger, that’s for sure!

And get this, the icing on the cake is that Raffensperger even called out some politicians, like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lt. Gov. Burt Jones, for falling victim to swatting. It’s like a real-life episode of “The Real Housewives of Capitol Hill,” except it’s not spicy gossip – it’s serious business.

Raffensperger made it crystal clear that he’s not just here to twiddle his thumbs. He’s got a plan, and it involves putting some real teeth into the punishment for these hooligans. He wants to see a law passed that would throw these troublemakers in the slammer for one to 10 years. That’s right, folks – no slap on the wrist here!

It’s like Raffensperger is saying, “Listen up, y’all. We’re not going to stand for this foolishness anymore. Time to put on your big kid pants and behave like responsible citizens.” And with the Georgia General Assembly about to start its regular session, you can bet your bottom dollar that Raffensperger is not going to let this issue fade into the background. Oh no, he’s like a dog with a bone, and he’s not letting go until those tough laws get passed.



Written by Staff Reports

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