
Ramaswamy Rallies GOP Rebels Against CO Primary Plot!

Conservative Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is taking a stand against the Colorado GOP primary shenanigans. He’s so miffed about the state Supreme Court’s ruling that former President Trump can’t be on the ballot that he’s ready to pack up his campaign and skedaddle. Ramaswamy isn’t just fuming, he’s straight-up demanding that fellow republicans Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Nikki Haley join him in this protest. He’s all like, “If they don’t, they’re basically saying it’s totally cool for the state to pull this illegal move, and that’s a big no-no, folks!”

Ramawamy’s all up in arms, calling the court’s decision an *actual* attack on democracy, and he’s not mincing words. He’s flat-out calling the judges a “cabal of Democrat judges,” which is like a fancy way of saying a sneaky and exclusive group, to use their fancy words. And he’s not the only one with beef against this mess. The Colorado Republican Party is talking about dipping out of the primary altogether and going full-on caucus mode if this ruling sticks.

But wait, there’s hope on the horizon! The court is holding off on making a final decision until Jan. 4, giving Trump some time to get the big honchos at the Supreme Court to give this ruling a once-over. His campaign’s game plan is to get the big dogs at the U.S. Supreme Court to swoop in and rule in their favor, kicking this whole mess to the curb once and for all.

A spokesperson for Trump’s campaign, Steven Cheung, is calling it like it is, saying that this is all part of a sneaky plan by a left-wing group to meddle in the election and take away the rights of Colorado voters. And they’re not just whistling Dixie – they’re feeling confident that the U.S. Supreme Court will swoop in and save the day. According to one smartypants Supreme Court expert, if Trump asks the Supremes to weigh in, he’s pretty much guaranteed to stay on the ballot for the primary. So, it looks like there’s still a glimmer of hope in the world of wacky politics.

Written by Staff Reports

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