
Rep. Banks Tackles CCP Influence, Demands DOJ Probe

Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks is making sure the Biden administration doesn’t fall asleep at the wheel when it comes to potential threats from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Banks, a fearless defender of America’s interests, is calling for an investigation into the United States Heartland China Association (USHCA), a shady nonprofit that seems to be cozying up a little too much to the CCP for comfort.

In a bold move, Banks sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, demanding that the Department of Justice (DOJ) dig deep into the USHCA’s ties with the CCP and determine if they’ve been playing by the rules. It’s about time someone started asking the tough questions and holding these organizations accountable for their actions. The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) is in place for a reason, and it’s high time we start enforcing it to protect our country from foreign influences.

It seems like USHCA has been playing a dangerous game, leading Midwest mayors on trips to China and rubbing elbows with organizations linked to the CCP’s United Front, a sneaky strategy used to expand Chinese influence abroad. Banks isn’t buying their innocent act of “building bridges” between the U.S. heartland and China – he sees right through their thinly veiled attempts to curry favor with the communist regime.

The fact that USHCA is employing individuals with ties to CCP-affiliated entities raises serious red flags. It’s like letting the fox guard the henhouse – a recipe for disaster. Banks isn’t one to shy away from confronting the bad actors who threaten our national security, and he’s right to shine a light on USHCA’s questionable dealings.

In the end, Banks is sounding the alarm loud and clear: USHCA is not to be trusted. We must remain vigilant against the CCP’s underhanded tactics and protect our heartland from falling under their sway. It’s time to put America first and stop playing nice with those who seek to undermine our values and way of life. Kudos to Rep. Jim Banks for taking a stand and fighting for the safety and security of our great nation!

Written by Staff Reports

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