
Republicans Concerned Biden’s WHO Support Threatens US Sovereignty

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been making a lot of big decisions lately, and some people are worried about what this could mean for America. Some politicians, like Rep. Glenn Grothman from Wisconsin, are saying that America should not be a part of the WHO anymore. They think that President Biden’s support for the WHO’s actions might force America to do things that it doesn’t want to do, like follow certain health recommendations.

The WHO has put together a draft of a global pandemic agreement that they want countries to agree on. This agreement would give the WHO more power to make decisions about health on a global scale. Some people, like former Republican presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann, are concerned that this could lead to the WHO having too much control over health-related matters.

Even though the current draft of the agreement has some rules in place to limit the WHO’s power, there are still worries about what could happen if this agreement is finalized. Some members of the Senate, all Republicans, have raised concerns that the agreement could infringe on America’s sovereignty. They are worried that the WHO might try to enforce rules on things like travel, vaccinations, and lockdowns.

Other groups, like human rights organizations, are also expressing doubts about the new agreement. They think that it might not do enough to prevent global health disasters and protect people’s rights. They want to make sure that any agreement that is made is fair and respects everyone’s rights.

In addition to concerns about the WHO, there are also worries about the International Criminal Court (ICC) going after leaders of a democratic country. Some people, like former Trump official Robert Greenway, believe that the ICC is too political and should not be allowed to make decisions that are not fair or justified. They argue that the U.S. should not support the ICC if it is going to make decisions based on politics rather than justice.

Overall, there is a lot of concern about global agreements and organizations trying to make decisions that could impact America’s sovereignty and freedoms. Some politicians and experts believe that President Biden’s support for these organizations could lead to problems in the future. It will be important for Americans to stay informed and pay attention to how these agreements develop in the coming months.

Written by Staff Reports

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