
Trump Eyes Texas Retirement, Criticizes Biden at NRA Meeting

Former President Donald Trump has expressed his desire to retire in Texas while attending the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Dallas. He shared his admiration for the state, declaring, “I want to move to Texas and I want to retire in Texas.” He praised Texas Governor Greg Abbott, jokingly referring to him as “a hot politician, very hot” and commended his job performance. In addition, Trump mentioned playing golf with former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo and expressed fondness for the state and its people.

During his visit to Texas, Trump also addressed the border issue, criticizing President Joe Biden’s policies. He expressed concern about the impact of illegal immigration on the state, blaming Biden for turning Texas and the country into a “dumping ground for the world.” Trump’s interest in retiring in Texas reflects his longstanding appreciation for the state, having visited it numerous times during his tenure in the White House and since leaving office.

While Trump’s announcement is welcomed by many Texans, it raises questions about his previous declaration of residency in Florida. Some may wonder why he has chosen Texas over Florida, given his ties to the Sunshine State. Despite Florida being a Republican stronghold, it appears that Trump has developed a preference for Texas as his retirement destination.

If Trump were to make Texas his future home, he would join former President George W. Bush, who resides in Crawford, Texas. Overall, Trump’s expressed desire to retire in Texas highlights his affinity for the state and its residents.

Written by Staff Reports

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