
Saint Mary’s College Reclaims Tradition, Ditches Trans Policy U-Turn

In a stunning turn of events, the Catholic women’s college in Notre Dame, Indiana has backtracked on their shockingly liberal decision to allow males to attend as long as they claim to identify as females. The college, Saint Mary’s, had announced just last month that they would be open to considering male applicants who identified as female. But in a sudden about-face, they’ve pulled a U-turn and slammed the door shut in the faces of these confused individuals.

The decision to reverse this progressive policy came after President Katie Conboy and the board of trustees faced intense criticism for straying from the teachings of the church. Critics argued that the school was betraying its Catholic values and demanded that they reconsider their stance. And wouldn’t you know it, the college’s leadership actually listened and decided to do the right thing.

In a letter to the community, President Conboy and the board of trustees expressed remorse for the controversy they caused and the division they sowed among their own ranks. They lamented the loss of trust and acknowledged that their attempt to be inclusive had backfired spectacularly. It’s like they say, the road to progress is often paved with good intentions, but it seems the folks at Saint Mary’s hit a massive pothole and had to turn the car around.

The board ultimately concluded that it was best to stick to their original admission policy, meaning the college will once again be an all-female institution. The decision marks a victory for traditional values and a defeat for the liberal agenda that so often seeks to upend the status quo. It just goes to show that when good, conservative folks stand up and make some noise, even the most wayward of institutions can be set back on the right path.


Written by Staff Reports

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