
Sen. Kennedy Slams Biden for Inaction on Campus Anti-Semitism

Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana criticized President Joe Biden for not taking action against universities allowing anti-Semitic protests to take over their campuses. Kennedy, known for not holding back on his opinions, made his thoughts clear in a Capitol Hill news conference, emphasizing that Biden could put a stop to these protests with a simple phone call to university presidents. Kennedy lambasted the president, suggesting that he is too afraid to upset the Democratic base and the “Hamas wing of the Democratic Party.”

Kennedy also condemned the protests on campuses, referring to them as “rule by mob” and expressing his belief that they promote violence against Jewish people. He specifically mentioned the unrest at Columbia University in New York City and UCLA in Los Angeles. The College Democrats of America publicly supported the protesters, lauding them for opposing the “destructive, genocidal, and unjust” Israeli military actions.

The outspoken senator also pointed out how Biden has been evasive in addressing the issue, dodging questions from reporters as he attempts to avoid taking a firm stance. Kennedy’s criticism of Biden’s handling of the situation suggests that the president is prioritizing politics over taking action to address the anti-Semitic protests on college campuses.

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Written by Staff Reports

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