
Senate Halts Biden Push for Emission Cuts in Highway Funding

President Biden has been pushing for more electric vehicles to be used in the country. But some Senate Democrats, along with Republicans, have stopped a rule that would have required states to make plans to reduce emissions from highway projects that use federal funds.

Republican Senator Kevin Cramer led the effort to block the rule, saying unelected bureaucrats should not force states to follow federal guidelines. He argued that the rule would unfairly impact people in rural areas. He believes the Biden administration is trying to push a climate agenda that is not beneficial to all Americans.

Senator Shelley Moore Capito, another Republican, also criticized the rule, saying it was an example of federal overreach by the Biden administration. She claimed that the rule would hinder states’ ability to address the transportation needs of their residents.

These Senators, along with some Democrats, believe that states should have more control over their transportation policies and not be forced to comply with federal regulations that they disagree with. This shows a growing resistance to President Biden’s environmental initiatives in Congress.

Written by Staff Reports

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