
Senator Unearths COVID Cover-Up, Grills Fauci Aide on Deleted Data!

In a bold move, Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin dropped a truth bomb when he demanded an interview with a key health official. The Senator is deeply concerned that government officials may have “destroyed responsive records” relating to the origins of COVID-19. Senator Johnson is not one to mince words, and he did not hold back in his demand for answers.

The key health official in question is Dr. David Morens, a former aide to Dr. Anthony Fauci. Senator Johnson is not playing games and wants the Department of Health and Human Services to make Dr. Morens available for an interview with his staff. He’s also urging the HHS watchdog to take this matter seriously. Senator Johnson is on fire and isn’t afraid to ask the tough questions.

One of the key factors driving Senator Johnson’s concerns is an email sent by Dr. Morens, a 25-year veteran of the National Institutes of Health, to his colleagues regarding a request for documents about the NIH’s handling of COVID-19. This email raised red flags for Senator Johnson, who is determined to get to the bottom of this potential cover-up.

Senator Johnson strongly believes that Dr. Morens may have intentionally deleted or destroyed records and obstructed oversight efforts. To further his investigation, the Senator is demanding an interview with Dr. Morens, as well as access to all of Dr. Morens’ text messages and emails. He is also pressing for a detailed explanation of how HHS will hold Dr. Morens accountable. Nothing gets past Senator Johnson, and he is not letting up in his pursuit of the truth.

In addition to his demands for an interview and access to communications, Senator Johnson has also called for a thorough investigation by the HHS watchdog, Christi Grimm. His persistence knows no bounds, and he is leaving no stone unturned in his mission to uncover the truth behind the origins of COVID-19. Senator Johnson is not afraid to stand up to the establishment and demand transparency and accountability.

It’s clear that Senator Johnson is not backing down in his quest for answers. His unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth about the origins of COVID-19 is admirable, and he is not shying away from confronting government officials about their potential involvement in destroying records. With a deadline of December 6 for the Department of Health and Human Services to comply with his demands, Senator Johnson is on a mission, and he won’t stop until he gets the answers he’s seeking. Stay tuned as Senator Johnson continues his fight for transparency and accountability in government.

Written by Staff Reports

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