
Sneaky Biden Leaks True Re-Election Motives at Lavish Donor Gathering!

President Joe Biden has apparently found his motivation for seeking a second term in the White House: former President Donald Trump. According to The Associated Press, Biden made this revelation during a fundraising event in Weston, Massachusetts. He admitted that if Trump were not running for president again in 2024, he might not have decided to run himself. However, Biden emphasized that it is crucial to prevent Trump from winning, for the sake of the country.

This candid moment from Biden came as no surprise to those who have observed his behavior during speeches to wealthy donors. The AP report noted that the president tends to be more open and honest in these settings. It seems Biden feels comfortable expressing his true thoughts when surrounded by deep-pocketed supporters.

Despite Biden’s apparent motivation to compete against Trump, recent polls suggest that the current president may have an uphill battle ahead of him. A Wall Street Journal poll conducted between November 29 and December 4 found that Trump holds a slight lead over Biden. In a head-to-head matchup, Biden trails by 4 percentage points, with 43 percent compared to Trump’s 47 percent. When additional candidates are included, Trump’s advantage expands to 6 percentage points.

On top of these polling challenges, Biden’s favorability ratings have also taken a hit. In November 2021, his unfavorability rating stood at 53 percent. This month, that number has risen to 61 percent, with 50 percent holding a “very unfavorable” view.

While Trump has not officially announced his candidacy for the GOP presidential nomination, he continues to dominate in the polls. The polling site Fivethirtyeight shows Trump commanding a 59.3 percent support among potential Republican voters. His closest competitor, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, only garners 12.6 percent.

It remains to be seen how Biden’s campaign will fare against the shadow of Trump’s influence. However, one thing is clear – the road to re-election may be rockier than Biden anticipated.

Written by Staff Reports

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