
Snopes Sizzles: Forced to Admit Biden’s Backward Hard Hat Blunder, No More Spin

Snopes, the left-wing “fact-checking” site, attempted to cover for Joe Biden’s fashion faux pas by claiming that he wasn’t wearing a construction hard hat backwards during a campaign stop. However, their efforts backfired as they were forced to reverse their ruling on Saturday.

The controversy began when a photo of Biden standing with construction workers in Wisconsin was posted on social media. In the photo, it is clear that the hard hat on the bar top is facing away from the camera, while the one on Biden’s head has the tightener knob facing forward. This led to social media users criticizing Biden for wearing the hat the wrong way.
Snopes initially claimed that Biden was not wearing the hat backwards, but their explanation seemed to contradict their own ruling. They stated that construction workers can wear their hard hats backwards, but the internal suspension must be reversed to fit correctly. This means that even if the worker adjusts the hat to have the bill facing forward, the tightener knob should still be at the back of the head. In other words, Biden was wearing the hat backwards.

After facing backlash, Snopes had to admit that Biden was indeed wearing the hat incorrectly. They changed their rating from “false” to “true” and acknowledged that Biden looked “damn silly” in any case. This embarrassing reversal showed that Snopes was more interested in protecting Biden than providing accurate information.
In their attempt to spin the story, Snopes only succeeded in making themselves look like fools. It’s clear that their bias and agenda got in the way of their supposed fact-checking mission.

Written by Staff Reports

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