
Soros Puppet Prosecutor Sent Packing by DeSantis in Dramatic Showdown

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida took a risk by dismissing yet another prosecutor who was receiving funding from George Soros. Monique Worrell, the state's attorney, was placed on paid leave after the governor found her to have neglected her responsibilities. DeSantis made it plain that failing to uphold Florida's laws endangers communities and targets innocent people. It's past time someone demanded answers from these Soros-supported prosecutors.

Worrell's office is in the Orlando region, and during the 2022 Democrat primary, she enjoyed substantial backing from organisations sponsored by Soros. Whether she admits it or not, there is no disputing that she was acting exactly as those who supported her desired. DeSantis already fired Andrew Warren, so this is not the first time he has done so with a prosecutor who is supported by Soros.

Several explanations were provided in the DeSantis executive order that suspended Worrell. These included avoiding minimum mandatory sentences for drug trafficking and gun crimes, letting young offenders escape serious charges and detention, capping the number of child pornography offences charged, and requesting the withholding of judgement in circumstances where it was not allowed by Florida law. These are major offences that endanger Florida residents' safety and wellbeing.

Naturally, Worrell erupted in a rage over her dismissal, branding Governor DeSantis a despot and complaining that she was under tyranny. Saying that dismissing an elected individual for failing to perform their duties constitutes an act of tyranny is absurd. Instead of promoting a social justice agenda that goes against the wishes of the people, Worrell should have been scrupulously executing the laws of her state. It's encouraging to see DeSantis taking action and prosecutor responsible. The removal of Soros-backed prosecutors in Republican-controlled states should be emulated by other governors.

Written by Staff Reports

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