
Spin Doctor Kirby Climbs Up Biden’s Ladder with Top WH Gig

In a not-so-surprising turn of events, John Kirby, the national security spokesperson for President Biden, has snagged himself quite the promotion at the White House. According to a sneaky insider, Kirby is set to take on the fancy new title of White House national security communications advisor and will even be named an assistant to the president. Who knew spinning the president’s foreign policy blunders could be so rewarding?

Kirby’s career skyrocketed after he joined the White House in 2022 as the National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications. Let’s not forget, this was right around the time when the former press secretary Jen Psaki made her grand exit, making room for Karine Jean-Pierre to take the stage as the new White House press secretary. And boy, oh boy, the NSC sure didn’t waste any time snatching up Kirby for themselves.

As if running a separate team from the regular national security press team isn’t brag-worthy enough, Kirby, a retired U.S. Navy admiral, has also been raking in the praise from the Biden administration for his smooth navigation through treacherous foreign policy terrain. This isn’t Kirby’s first rodeo either – he’s quite the seasoned pro, having served as the top mouthpiece at both the Pentagon and the State Department during the Obama era. Of course, now he’s become a regular face at the White House press briefings. Talk about a political superstar in the making!

But let’s not forget to mention that this Kirby guy has been making waves in the headline world. If you’ve ever swung by Breitbart News, you might have caught wind of his bold statements. From downplaying China’s threats to the climate crisis, to trying to smooth over the heartbreaking Afghanistan evacuation fiasco, Kirby’s got quite the track record. And don’t even get us started on his views about the military providing abortion access – yikes!

Love him or hate him, Kirby’s influence at the White House is only getting stronger. So, get ready to see more of him on your screens, navigating those sticky foreign policy questions with his trademark ease. After all, what would the White House press briefings be without a little Kirby flair thrown into the mix?

Written by Staff Reports

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