
Paul & Gaetz Rally Behind MAGA Warrior Lake in AZ Senate Race

Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul and Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz are throwing their support behind Arizona Senate Republican candidate Kari Lake. They believe Lake is the perfect candidate to shake things up in Washington and defeat her Democratic opponent, Representative Ruben Gallego.

Gaetz praises Lake for being a true MAGA supporter, someone who can’t be swayed by the establishment. He is proud to endorse her and looks forward to seeing her disrupt the halls of power. Senator Rand Paul echoes Gaetz’s sentiments, stating that Lake has the policies, drive, and desire to take on the Washington War Machine and restore American liberties.

Lake is extremely grateful for the endorsements from Paul and Gaetz, describing them as champions for liberty who have fought against the Washington War Machine. She acknowledges their support and expresses her excitement to work with them to implement President Trump’s agenda.

In addition to Paul and Gaetz, Lake has also secured the endorsements of former President Donald Trump, as well as several senators and representatives from various states. With such strong backing, she is heavily favored to win the GOP primary and go up against Independent Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema and Democratic Representative Ruben Gallego in the general election.

The Cook Political report rates the Arizona Senate race as a toss-up, making it a prime opportunity for Senate Republicans to gain a seat. According to recent polls, Lake holds a slight lead over Gallego.

In this crucial race, it is clear that Lake is the candidate who will bring about real change and challenge the status quo in Washington. Her conservative values align with those of Paul, Gaetz, and other prominent Republicans, making her the ideal choice for Arizona voters who want to see their state represented by someone who will fight for their rights and liberties.

Written by Staff Reports

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