
Squad’s Bush Fact-Checked: Spins Lies on Police, Race & Crime!

In a shocking display of ignorance, U.S. Congresswoman Cori Bush, a member of the notorious “Squad,” managed to earn herself a big fat fact-checking note on X, formerly known as Twitter. This self-proclaimed champion of social justice had the audacity to claim that “the institutions of racism and white supremacy” were responsible for the killing of a young man who had just committed robbery and attempted to take an officer’s gun. Talk about twisting the truth!

Now, let’s set the record straight. This young man, Michael Brown, was no innocent victim. He had just robbed a convenience store and decided to escalate the situation by attacking Officer Darren Wilson and reaching into his patrol vehicle in an attempt to grab his gun. Was it really a surprise that the officer had to defend himself? The Department of Justice, under the leadership of none other than Barack Obama, conducted a thorough investigation and concluded that race had absolutely nothing to do with it. Case closed.

But that didn’t stop Rep. Bush from shamelessly posting a photo of Michael Brown, with the caption “We will continue to fight for justice and accountability.” Seriously? What justice and accountability does she expect when the facts are crystal clear? It’s typical of these left-wing radicals to exploit tragic events like this for their own political gain, further dividing our nation along racial lines.

Thankfully, X didn’t let Rep. Bush’s misleading post slide. They promptly slapped a community note on it, providing the much-needed context. Kudos to Elon Musk for not playing favorites and holding politicians accountable for their falsehoods. Remember when Rep. Rashida Tlaib falsely claimed that Israel is an “apartheid state”? She got fact-checked too. And who can forget Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s blatant lie about Republicans killing the legislation to raise the federal minimum wage? These fact-checks are like a breath of fresh air in a media landscape filled with bias and misinformation.

Of course, the Democrats are no strangers to playing the race card. Rep. Bush, like her comrades, is using platforms like X to peddle their dangerous narrative that policing in communities of color is deeply rooted in racism. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Painting all police officers as racist only fuels tensions and makes it even harder for our brave men and women in blue to do their jobs effectively. We should be supporting law enforcement, not demonizing them.

It’s clear that Rep. Bush and her Squad pals have no interest in the truth. They’d rather push their divisive agenda, even if it means distorting the facts. Thankfully, we have platforms like X that are willing to call out their falsehoods. Let’s hope more Americans wake up to the propaganda being spewed by these radical leftists and see through their gossamer-thin charade. The truth is out there, folks, and it’s up to us to seek it.

Written by Staff Reports

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