
Stunning Revolt: Florida GOP Officials Snub DeSantis, Rally to Trump!

In a stunning turn of events, Republican elected officials in Florida are planning to switch their endorsements from Governor Ron DeSantis to the one and only, former President Donald Trump. This news comes after DeSantis received the backing of an impressive 99 state legislators. However, it seems that the allure of Trump’s magnetic personality and his undeniable influence has swayed these officials to reevaluate their loyalties.

According to NBC News, sources familiar with the matter have confirmed that as many as six GOP elected officials will publicly announce their support for Trump as early as next week. This announcement is expected to take place after the highly anticipated Florida Freedom Summit on Saturday and in the midst of the third GOP presidential debate in Miami, which, to everyone’s surprise, Trump will be skipping to hold a rally in the state.

“It’s coming,” one source told NBC News, without disclosing the exact number of officials shifting their alliances. However, it is believed that the number will be “close to 10.” A GOP lobbyist, who is not involved in the effort, predicted that “at least five” officials can be expected to make the switch, adding that there is no doubt that more will follow suit next week.

As further evidence of Trump’s growing influence in the state, he is scheduled to host an event at his luxurious Mar-a-Lago resort, where he will be “honoring the Republican Party of Florida” the day following the debate and his rally. The invitation obtained by NBC News confirms Trump’s dedication to solidifying his influence within Republican circles.

This move by Trump’s allies comes after successfully dismantling the Florida GOP’s loyalty pledge to support the eventual nominee. This pledge, which was fully endorsed by DeSantis himself, had mirrored the Republican National Committee’s requirement to participate in the state’s primary. It seems that Trump’s allies found a clever way to win over grassroots leaders who have felt neglected by the DeSantis team throughout the re-election and presidential campaigns.

In terms of polling, a recent survey conducted by Fabrizio, Lee & Associates showed Trump leading the Republican primary field in Florida by a staggering 35 points. DeSantis trails behind with 22%, and other GOP hopefuls are left with single-digit support. It is clear that Trump’s influence within the state remains strong and shows no signs of waning.

Both DeSantis and Trump have not yet responded to requests for comment on this matter. As the Republican primary race continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how this shift in endorsements will impact the dynamics between the two influential figures in Florida politics.

Written by Staff Reports

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