
Stunning! Texas National Guard Acts Firm Against Border Breach Near El Paso

A Texas National Guardsman reportedly shot and killed a Mexican national near the border crossing between El Paso and Juarez on Saturday night. Details about the incident remain unclear. The incident reportedly happened at or near the international bridges connecting El Paso and Juarez. The military branch of Texas claimed that the shooting was caused by a border incident.

The incident shows how dangerous the border can be due to President Biden's open policies. In March 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbott launched Operation Lone Star to deal with the influx of immigrants. A few months later, he issued a state of emergency along the border due to the threats it posed to public safety. It is clear that the federal government has failed to address the immigration issue.

Through Operation Lone Star, which started in March, the combined force of the various agencies has apprehended more than 400,000 illegal immigrants. It has also made over 31,300 arrests and resulted in over 9,000 felony charges. The operation's seizure of over 422 million fentanyl pills shows the importance of stopping the flow of illicit drugs from Mexico.

Operation Lone Star, which was launched by the military branch, has been known to transport illegal immigrants to different parts of the country. Some of these include New York City, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Washington.

In support of Operation Lone Star, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis deployed the state's National Guard and law enforcers to the border states of Arizona and Texas. He noted that the border security issue affects the entire country. DeSantis blamed the policies of the Biden administration for the current situation.

It is important that the federal government and the private sectors work together to address the border crisis. The recent incident near El Paso highlights the risks that members of the military and the American people face due to the administration's lax policies.

Written by Staff Reports

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