
Swamp Alert: Dem Congressman Busted Breaking PAC Pledge!

It’s another day in the swamp, folks, and the Democrats are up to their old tricks again. Freshman Democratic Congressman Shri Thanedar from Michigan has been caught with his hand in the corporate PAC cookie jar despitewhich goes against his campaign pledge to refuse corporate cash. What a surprise, am I right?

During his 2022 campaign, Thanedar promised voters he would “never take a dime of corporate PAC money.” He even went as far as to express his commitment to fighting for the everyday American and not the privileged few. But as soon as he stepped foot into Congress, he seemed to have conveniently forgotten his promise. Records show that at least $36,000 flowed into his campaign from PACs tied to big corporations like Google, Pfizer, Walmart, and more.

And what was Thanedar’s response? “These contributions make up less than 1% of my overall campaign funds,” he claimed. Oh, well in that case, I guess it’s totally fine to go back on your word, right? But that’s not all. He had the audacity to also mention his support for public financing of campaigns and overturning the Citizens United ruling. Nice try, Thanedar, but we’re not buying it.

Now, not only will Thanedar face criticism from his Democratic primary opponents, but also from the Republicans who have been quick to point out the left’s hypocrisy when it comes to pocketing corporate-tied money after making promises to the contrary. I mean, seriously, is anyone even surprised at this point? It’s like a broken record with these guys.

And let’s not forget about his primary opponent, Adam Hollier, who is also guilty of accepting corporate PAC money. It’s like they’re all birds of a feather, flocking together to cozy up to corporate interests while pretending to be champions of the little guy.

But wait, there’s more! Thanedar previously spoke out against the corrupting influence of special interest groups and lobbyists, claiming he had “absolutely rejected corporate PAC money!” Yet, like clockwork, the corporate checks started rolling in. AT&T, Toyota, Delta Air Lines – they all lined up to contribute to his campaign.

And, surprise, surprise, Thanedar isn’t the only Democrat playing this game. Reps. Jared Golden, Mike Levin, Chris Pappas, and Elissa Slotkin, who have all touted their support for banning corporate PACs, have also been caught with their hands in the corporate cookie jar. It’s like they think we won’t notice their little shell game, but sorry Democrats, we’re onto you.

So, there you have it, folks. The swamp creatures continue to slither and slide, making promises they have no intention of keeping. It’s politics as usual in the hallowed halls of Congress. But let’s not forget, we’re watching and we won’t be fooled by their empty words and deceiving actions. Keep shining that spotlight on their shenanigans!

Written by Staff Reports

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