
Trump Accuses Biden, DNC of Accepting Funds from Antisemites

Former President Trump slammed President Biden and the Democrats at a rally in New Jersey for allegedly accepting donations from “antisemites.” Trump demanded that Biden and the DNC give back the money they received from these “America-haters” who were supposedly behind the anti-Israel demonstrations on college campuses.

According to research by the NGO Monitor, donors linked to Biden and the DNC were said to be funding the activists behind the pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses. The names included big players like the Open Society Foundations of George Soros and The Tides Center, among others.

Trump made it clear that when he becomes president (again), he won’t stand for letting violent radicals take over colleges, and anyone bringing in “jihadism” or antisemitism will face deportation faster than you can say “Hasta la vista!”

On top of that, Biden’s Department of Justice apparently hasn’t lifted a finger to address the civil rights violations and antisemitic incidents happening on campuses related to these protests.

During the fiery rally, Trump also made sure to throw his unwavering support behind Israel’s fight against Hamas, unlike Biden, who seemed hesitant about providing weapons to Israel in their conflict. Trump vowed to stand by Israel and kick out any troublemakers who dare bring chaos to American campuses.

Written by Staff Reports

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