
Trump and Megyn Kelly’s Astonishing 1-On-1 Meeting at TPUSA Revealed!

Megyn Kelly has announced, in a surprising turn of events, that any animosity between her and former President Donald Trump no longer exists. During an episode of her program, Kelly revealed that she and Trump recently promised to put their differences behind them in a private meeting. Since 2015, when Kelly questioned Trump's comments about women during a presidential debate, their rivalry has lasted for years.

"It was truly a pleasure to see him," Kelly said of her encounter with Trump. "All of that nonsense between us is water under the bridge now." Kelly continued by praising Trump, stating that he has a "aura" that attracts people. She stated, "There's just something about him, it's almost like an aura that takes over the room." There is only one individual you may observe.

Trump reportedly discussed the impending Republican presidential debate during their meeting. Kelly asserted that Trump told her he "wouldn't be on" attending the debate because he had previously considered conducting his own competing event. Trump appeared optimistic regarding his prospects, boasting that he was "up by too many points."

The animosity between Kelly and Trump began following the 2015 presidential debate, when Kelly questioned Trump about his prior comments about women. Trump's remark, "There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever," sparked a media frenzy. The two then engaged in a public Twitter invective exchange. However, in private conversations, Trump explained to Kelly that he understood her motivations for posing the question, despite his view that it was unjust.

This reconciliation between Kelly and Trump occurs just before the first presidential debate, which will be hosted by Kelly's former employer, Fox News. As Trump has been critical of the network since the dismissal of Tucker Carlson and its decline in viewership, the network will face its own difficulties. How this newfound truce between Kelly and Trump will impact their relationship with Fox News and their coverage of the impending election remains to be seen.

Written by Staff Reports

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