
Trump Blasts Biden Over Migrant Crime Surge Amid 2024 Campaign Heating Up

As the 2024 presidential race heats up, former President Donald Trump has focused on a booming new category of crime that he ties directly to the Biden administration’s open borders policy. During a rally in Asheville, North Carolina, Trump warned that the situation is not just bad—it’s “beyond control.” The former president believes this surge in crime, dubbed “migrant crime,” is symptomatic of a larger problem facing the nation, one he insists is reaching epidemic levels.

Trump’s insights on this alarming trend were underscored by his assertion that the sheer volume of migrants entering the United States makes it nearly impossible for any nation to maintain law and order. He noted that critics dismissed his warnings about rising migrant crime, but now those same critics have to face the facts as the numbers have grown far worse than even he had anticipated. It’s as if the former president has donned a crystal ball, foreseeing chaos while others buried their heads in the sand.

The former commander-in-chief specifically cited a troubling week in which multiple serious crimes were linked to migrants, including rapes and murders. He asserted that the lawlessness stemming from this unregulated migration is bound to escalate further. It’s hard to argue against the idea that a country dealing with high levels of crime isn’t a recipe for a happy and healthy society. The anticipation of chaos from unmonitored borders is real, and it seems Trump is ready to fight back against it.

Federal agents recently rounded up an immigrant from Haiti—loose on a mere $500 bond—who was facing serious allegations of child rape. In a separate incident, a Nicaraguan migrant charged with rape had previously avoided serious consequences due to a plea deal. These stories paint a troubling picture that Trump has seized upon, suggesting that the situation is not just about numbers but lives hanging in the balance, illustrating the very real dangers of open borders policies.

But while Trump is ringing not just alarm bells but a full-on fire alarm, Vice President Kamala Harris seems to be dodging questions and avoiding media scrutiny on the issue. Harris, tasked with tackling border-related matters, has yet to clarify her position or respond to Trump’s formidable critiques. Conservative audiences recall Harris’s promises from late 2019 to close immigration detention centers “on day one,” a move that could potentially set thousands of illegals—and many convicted criminals—free into American communities. Whether she can cook up a plausible cover story as the campaign unfolds remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Trump’s vision for border security is clear, and it doesn’t include letting the doors swing wide open.

Written by Staff Reports

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