
Trump Bluntly Criticizes Biden in Leaked Video Sparking Speculation on 2024 Race

The Daily Beast has uncovered a ‘leaked’ video of Donald Trump where he bluntly assesses Joe Biden as a “broken-down pile of crap” teetering on the brink of quitting the race after their recent debate. Trump seems to be strategically provoking Biden, who harbors a deep disdain for the former President, hoping to keep him in the 2024 presidential race. And why wouldn’t he? Biden was already trailing Trump by two points in polling averages before the debate, a gap that has now widened to three points post-standoff, especially after the debacle of a performance last week, where Slow Joe stumbled metaphorically by falling into the Orchestra Pit on live TV.

While, as a Republican, one might savor the thought of seeing Biden as the Democrat nominee, it’s clear that a replacement could benefit the party. By swapping out Biden, the Democrats could potentially shed the baggage of senility and corruption while possibly addressing issues like the economy, border security, and the ongoing Democratic riots more effectively, even with the prospect of Kamala Harris stepping in and bringing her own set of problems to the table.

Of course, the decision ultimately lies with the Democrats and their various factions – from the Obama and Clinton establishments to the Bernie Bros and the Black Caucus. Notably absent is a Biden establishment faction, highlighting the lack of genuine support for the current Democratic frontman outside of his circle of confidants.

Former President Obama could play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the Democratic race. Despite a lukewarm tweet supporting Biden, Obama’s history of skepticism towards Slow Joe raises questions of potential sabotage. With rumors swirling about damning videos of Biden’s mental acuity or evidence of corruption during Obama’s own tenure, the former President holds considerable influence over the direction the party takes. And let’s not forget the other factions within the party who are eyeing their own interests and potential candidates for a Biden replacement.

With tensions and uncertainties rising within the Democratic camp, the coming weeks promise a rollercoaster ride in American politics. As the famous saying goes, “We’ll just have to see what happens.”

Adam Turner, a seasoned national security and political professional, brings his insights from years of experience on the campaign trail and in Washington, DC.

Written by Staff Reports

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