
Trump Crushes DeSantis in Polls: Iowa and SC Stand Strong with 45th President!

In a surprising turn of events, a new Fox News poll has revealed that former President Donald Trump continues to dominate the GOP primary race in both Iowa and South Carolina. Trump, who won Iowa in 2016, boasts a massive lead with 46 percent of the vote, leaving Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the dust with a mere 16 percent. It seems that DeSantis is struggling to make any headway in the crucial state, while Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina has managed to secure third place with 11 percent of the vote.

Iowa has always been a tricky state to predict due to its caucus primary system, which allows for unforeseen surprises on election day. Despite some clashes with popular Republican Governor Kim Reynolds, Trump’s lead remains unwavering, defying expectations. The former president’s strong showing reaffirms his standing among Iowans, who continue to express their unwavering support.

In South Carolina, Trump enjoys yet another commanding lead, capturing a staggering 48 percent of the vote. Trump’s victory in the state during the 2016 elections, where he boldly criticized former President Bush’s foreign policy, is often credited as the turning point that catapulted his campaign towards the nomination. South Carolina, renowned for its strong military history, was expected to favor Jeb Bush at the time. However, South Carolinians showed their preference for Trump’s bold approach, solidifying his path to success.

Unfortunately for Governor DeSantis, the Fox News poll delivered more disappointing news. In his home state of Florida, DeSantis finds himself trailing behind former governor and UN ambassador Nikki Haley, who secured the support of 14 percent of respondents. DeSantis lags behind at 13 percent, a significant setback for his campaign. Additionally, the junior Senator of Florida is also garnering substantial support, further overshadowing DeSantis’ chances of emerging as the frontrunner.

Moreover, this Fox News poll follows closely on the heels of another disturbing survey conducted by Kaplan Strategies, which paints an even bleaker picture for the DeSantis campaign. For the first time in this election cycle, DeSantis falls to third place overall, behind businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, who has managed to overcome the single-digit barrier and crack the double digits. These results highlight the mounting challenges and uphill battle that DeSantis faces as he fights for the GOP nomination.

The Fox News poll’s findings shed light on the continued dominance of the former president in key primary states. Trump’s unwavering support among conservatives signals the enduring power and resonance of his message. While DeSantis struggles to gain traction, Trump’s lead in both Iowa and South Carolina demonstrates that he remains the formidable force to reckon with in the GOP race.

Written by Staff Reports

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