
Trump Honors Hero Cop as Biden, Obama, Clinton Hobnob for Millions

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign is lashing out at the current president and two former presidents for dissing a fallen New York City police officer by bailing on his wake to party it up at a fancy fundraiser in the Big Apple.

Trump is all set to pay his respects at the wake of Officer Jonathan Diller, who was tragically shot during a traffic stop. But while Trump plans to honor Officer Diller, Democrat President Joe Biden, alongside former Democrat Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, is busy schmoozing at a glitzy, star-studded shindig in New York City. Biden’s fundraiser is expected to rake in a jaw-dropping $25 million, courtesy of Hollywood celebs like Stephen Colbert, Mindy Kaling, and musicians Queen Latifah and Lizzo, among others.

As Biden rubs elbows with the high and mighty, Trump’s team is making it crystal clear that they disapprove. Trump’s campaign Communications Director Steven Cheung even labeled the trio of presidents “The Three Stooges,” blasting them for cozying up to “out-of-touch celebrity benefactors” instead of showing proper respect for law enforcement officers like Officer Diller, who put their lives on the line to keep Americans safe.

In the midst of all this, Trump has pulled ahead of Biden in nearly every poll, both nationally and in battleground states, despite facing a barrage of legal attacks from Biden and the White House. Cheung, who has been praised for his role as communications director, is likely to continue being a forceful and visible presence at Trump’s side as the general election kicks into high gear.


Written by Staff Reports

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