
Trump Slams Biden & Obama: Skip Cop’s Funeral for Fundraiser

Former President Donald Trump didn’t hold back when criticizing President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama for not attending the funeral of slain NYPD officer Jonathan Diller, who lost his life while bravely approaching a suspicious vehicle. Trump made sure to attend the funeral after the family and police union extended the invitation, contrasting sharply with Biden and Obama, who were in town for a high-dollar fundraiser instead.

In typical Trump fashion, he didn’t mince words, calling out Biden and Obama for not even reaching out to the grieving family. He emphasized that showing support during such tragic times was crucial for a leader, a sentiment that seemed to have been lost on the current and former Presidents. It’s no surprise that Trump took the opportunity to slam Biden, suggesting that the President’s reluctance to support the police was driven more by political calculations than genuine concern.

As Trump lamented the perceived decline of the nation and the lack of respect it commanded on the global stage, he also highlighted the importance of backing law enforcement. Given the current administration’s stance on defunding the police, Trump didn’t miss the chance to underscore his unwavering support for law enforcement and critique the Democrats’ apparent aversion to the men and women in blue.

The fact that Diller’s widow disclosed her late husband’s support for Trump only added fuel to the fire, with Trump insinuating that Biden’s absence at the funeral might be linked to political differences. Trump’s assertion that the push for police reform had backfired, leading to a spike in violent crime, reflected a common conservative viewpoint that emphasizes the necessity of supporting law enforcement.

With the Biden administration facing criticism for its handling of law enforcement and rising crime rates in major cities, Trump’s vocal condemnation of the President’s absence at Diller’s funeral served to underscore the ongoing divide between the two political camps on issues of policing and public safety. As the nation grapples with these challenges, Trump’s remarks resonated strongly with his supporters, who view his unwavering support for the police as a stark contrast to the current administration’s approach.

Written by Staff Reports

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