
Trump Smack Video Hoax BUSTED: Liberal Lies Exposed!

In a shocking attempt to ruin the reputation of our beloved former President and 2024 presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, a shady video purporting to show him being slapped by an Iranian Kurdish man has been exposed as a total fabrication. It’s the stuff of comedy, folks.

Let’s break it down: The ridiculous video supposedly capturing the moment Trump got smacked was actually a lame attempt at digital trickery, splicing together footage from a 2016 rally in Dayton, Ohio. We all know Trump is a fighter, but even he can’t time travel like that!

It’s clear that the liberal media and their minions will stop at nothing to drag Trump’s name through the mud. They can’t handle the fact that he’s a strong leader who puts America first. Sad!

And as if that wasn’t enough, ABC News and George Stephanopoulos are now facing a lawsuit from Trump for spreading defamatory lies about him. It’s about time someone held these fake news peddlers accountable for their deceitful actions.

Despite the left’s desperate attempts to smear him, Trump remains focused on supporting Republican candidates and speaking the truth. We stand with Trump as he continues to fight for our country and against the swamp creatures trying to take him down.

Stay strong, President Trump. We know the truth will always prevail over the lies of the fake news media. #MAGA #Trump2024

Written by Staff Reports

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