
Trump Tops Polls, Eyes Carlson as VP Power Move!

In just a few weeks, it’s time to get those voting gears turning for the 2024 Republican primary, and guess who’s leading the pack? Former President Trump, that’s who!

Now, the big question on everyone’s mind is: who’s gonna be his right-hand person? Rumor has it that South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, or Arizona’s Kari Lake could be in the running. But hold on to your hats, folks, because here’s where it gets juicy!

Melania Trump, the former first lady, is apparently rallying for none other than the conservative media big shot, Tucker Carlson, to join the team! According to reports, Melania thinks that Carlson would be a “powerful onstage extension” of her husband. And get this, folks – if Tucker joins the squad, it looks like Melania might just step up her game and hit the campaign trail even harder than before.

When asked about bringing Tucker on board, Trump gave him a big thumbs-up, saying he’s a big fan of the guy and that “He’s got great common sense.” But hold up, there’s more!

Reports are swirling about who else might be cozying up with Trump in the White House inner circle. It seems some are skeptical about Tucker because they think he might outshine the big man himself. And apparently, Trump’s crew is convinced that Tucker is a loose cannon – can’t be controlled, they say. But hey, the two of them chat a lot, so who knows what might happen?

Now, let’s talk about those polls, folks. According to one from Morning Consult, Trump is leading the pack by a whopping 50 points ahead of his Republican rivals. Yep, you heard that right – he’s way ahead of the game! And hey, in case you missed it, a New York Times and Siena College poll last month showed Trump coming out on top in five out of six battleground states against President Joe Biden. It looks like Trump’s taking the lead, and the rest better watch out!

Written by Staff Reports

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