
Trump Torpedos RFK Jr.’s ‘Radical’ Veep Pick – Biden’s Reelect In Peril?

Former President Donald Trump has taken aim at Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s recent announcement of Nicole Shanahan as his running mate for the 2024 independent campaign. Trump wasted no time expressing his contempt for Kennedy’s decision, characterizing it as a strategic move that will put a dent in President Joe Biden’s chances for reelection.

Siding with the beliefs of many Democrats, Trump labeled Kennedy as “the most Radical Left Candidate in the race,” emphasizing Kennedy’s alignment with the Green New Deal and other policies that he believes will damage America’s economy. In classic Trump fashion, he didn’t hold back in ridiculing Shanahan as even more “Liberal” than Kennedy, highlighting her previous support for Democratic causes, essentially dismissing her as a viable figure in the political arena.

Polling results seem to support Trump’s claims, with a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll indicating that in a hypothetical matchup, Trump currently leads Biden by 4%, with Kennedy pulling in a significant 15% of the vote. A RealClearPolitics poll average further solidifies Trump’s lead over Biden and demonstrates that Kennedy’s growing support is coming at the expense of the current President’s standing.

Not only has Kennedy’s running mate choice garnered significant national attention, but Shanahan’s inclusion also serves to alleviate the burden of navigating the intricate process of gaining access to state ballots, a costly and time-consuming endeavor for independent campaigns. The logistical complexities of navigating state-specific requirements were highlighted, with Kennedy experiencing difficulties in Nevada.

In typical Trump fashion, he didn’t miss the opportunity to criticize Kennedy’s ballot access issues and express skepticism about Shanahan’s ethical standing. His rhetoric heightened, characterizing Kennedy as a “Radical Left Democrat” who will face obstacles from “Communists” in getting on the ballot, even suggesting the possibility of impending indictments for “Environmental Fraud.”

During the announcement event in Oakland, California, Kennedy openly acknowledged his campaign being a “spoiler,” asserting its disruptive impact on both Biden and Trump’s reelection efforts. This admission drew support from his enthusiastic crowd, aligning with his assertion that his campaign is targeting “a war machine,” Wall Street, and corporate giants.

The Democratic National Committee responded by launching a verbal assault on Kennedy’s campaign, with Lt. Gov. Austin Davis of Pennsylvania asserting that Kennedy’s candidacy was orchestrated by Trump’s supporters and funded by Trump’s largest donor. The sentiment echoed Kennedy’s role as a potential threat to Biden’s reelection bid, with lawmakers stressing the vital need to prevent him from swaying the election in Trump’s favor.


Written by Staff Reports

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