
Hunter’s Hail Mary: Legal Eagles Aim to Ax Tax Rap

Hunter Biden’s attorneys are gearing up for a showdown in California as they seek to convince Judge Mark Scarsi to throw out the nine pesky tax charges hanging over the first son’s head. They’ll be strutting their legal stuff at 1:00 p.m. local time in Los Angeles, ready to lay out their case for why Hunter should be off the hook.

The charges against Biden were brought by special counsel David Weiss, who has had it out for the first son since 2019. In December, Weiss hit Hunter with three felonies and six misdemeanors for allegedly dodging taxes and fibbing on his returns from 2016 to 2019 to the tune of $1.4 million.

Now, Biden’s legal dream team is ready to punch back, arguing that the charges should be dropped faster than a hot potato. They’re not holding back, claiming that Hunter was promised some kind of “get out of jail free” card in a plea deal that has since been scrapped. And they’re even throwing shade at the DOJ, accusing them of playing politics and targeting Hunter because of pressure from the bigwigs in the GOP.

But hold onto your horses, because the DOJ ain’t taking this lying down. They’re calling Hunter’s defense a bunch of baloney, saying the whole “conspiracy theory” is as flimsy as a house of cards. They’re ready to rumble, insisting that there’s no political shenanigans at play and that Hunter’s legal team is just blowing smoke.

In the midst of all this legal wrangling, Judge Scarsi is sitting in the hot seat, ready to make a decision by mid-April on whether Hunter will get a pass or have to face the music in a jury trial starting June 20. It’s a showdown that’s got everyone on the edge of their seats, and conservatives are hoping to see justice served up on a silver platter.

Written by Staff Reports

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