
Trump Trial Delayed: Deep State Sabotages Justice Again!

In a stunning turn of events, the first major hearing in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case has been delayed. The hearing was supposed to take place on Friday, July 14, but now it has been pushed back to Tuesday, July 18. And who is to blame for this delay? None other than Trump’s co-defendant, Walt Nauta.

According to the Washington Examiner, Nauta requested the delay due to a scheduling conflict and issues with his defense attorneys. Can you believe it? It seems like Nauta just can’t get his act together. But luckily for him, Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team of prosecutors agreed to the delay. They claimed it was “unnecessary,” but they still went along with it. It’s just one more example of how the deep state is out to get Trump!

The hearing that has been delayed is all about discussing the procedures for handling classified information in the case. You know, important stuff like how to keep sensitive documents safe and secure. But apparently, Nauta couldn’t be bothered to make time for it. Maybe he’s too busy sipping cocktails on a beach somewhere. Who knows?

Meanwhile, Trump’s attorneys are asking for an even longer delay. They want the trial to be pushed back until after the 2024 election. They claim that the case presents a challenge to our American democracy and that holding a trial during an election could unfairly prejudice the jury. What a load of nonsense! It’s just another attempt by Trump to evade justice and keep his supporters fired up.

And let’s not forget about the potential for a Trump pardon. If the trial is delayed until after the election and Trump wins, he could just pardon himself or drop all charges. It’s a sneaky move, but one that Trump has always been fond of. It’s all part of his master plan to stay out of jail and maintain his stranglehold on the Republican party.

In the end, this delay is just another example of the deep state’s attempt to undermine Trump and his supporters. They don’t want him to have a fair trial. They don’t want him to succeed. But we won’t let them win. We will stand by Trump no matter what, because he is the true champion of conservative values. And if that means delaying a hearing or two, so be it. We’re in it for the long haul.

Written by Staff Reports

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