
Trump Warns Dems Hijacking NH Primary, Dismisses Haley Threat

In a recent interview with Fox News, former President Donald Trump lashed out at New Hampshire’s open primary system, claiming that Democrats will flood the polls to support former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. Trump dismissed Haley’s chances of winning and criticized the state’s governor for not taking action to address the influx of Democratic voters participating in the primary. He confidently declared that Haley “has no chance” and expressed his belief that his own lead in the polls would remain strong, citing his “sweeping victory” in the Iowa caucuses.

Trump’s comments came in the wake of his reported substantial lead in New Hampshire, where his main rival appears to be Haley, based on recent polling data. A survey by American Research Group revealed that both Trump and Haley were tied at 40% support among likely Republican primary voters in the state. However, a separate poll conducted by Boston Globe-Suffolk University-NBC-10 Boston found Trump leading with 50% support, while Haley trailed at 34%.

The former president’s claims were fueled by his confidence in the contrast between his administration and that of President Joe Biden, whom he criticized, claiming that the current administration’s performance would only serve to highlight the differences between his presidency and Biden’s. He boasted about his record-breaking voter support and credited Biden’s presidency for showcasing the “stark” contrast between their respective leadership styles.

In the face of his adversaries’ campaign suspensions following the Iowa caucuses, Trump set his sights on New Hampshire, appearing unwavering in his belief that his lead in the polls would ultimately secure his victory in the state’s first-in-the-nation primary contest. Despite the rising competition from Haley and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Trump remained resolute in his pursuit of the Republican presidential nomination, confident that the support he garnered in Iowa would carry over to New Hampshire and beyond.

Written by Staff Reports

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