
Trump Warns Kennedy Candidacy Boosts Biden, Labels Him Democrat Plant

Former President Donald Trump recently claimed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is working with the Democrats to help President Joe Biden win the 2024 election. Trump made these assertions on Truth Social, a social media platform. He accused Kennedy of being a Democrat “plant” and suggested that Kennedy’s candidacy could harm Republicans. Trump highlighted Kennedy’s left-leaning views on various issues such as gun control, environmentalism, taxes, open borders, and the military. 


From a conservative perspective, it is concerning that Kennedy, who is running as an independent candidate, holds such extreme liberal positions. Trump emphasized that supporting Kennedy would essentially be a wasted vote that could benefit the Democrats. He expressed his disbelief in Kennedy’s claims of being an independent, arguing that Kennedy is a “Radical Left Lunatic” who is not fit for Republican support.

Trump also criticized Kennedy’s appearance on a television show, where he believed Kennedy showcased his liberal ideologies even more prominently than established Democrats. In the eyes of Trump and his supporters, Kennedy’s political stance is far too radical to garner any support from the Republican Party. This situation underscores the importance of being vigilant and informed about all candidates’ beliefs and values before casting a vote in any election.

Written by Staff Reports

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