
Trump’s VP Choices Narrowed: Noem and Ramaswamy Lead the Pack!

As the buzz intensifies surrounding Donald Trump’s potential vice president pick, it’s crystal clear who his fervent supporters are rallying behind to share the ticket come November.

A recent straw poll at the CPAC retreat over the weekend unveiled the top choices: South Dakota’s rockstar governor Kristi Noem and the accomplished businessman Vivek Ramaswamy.

Trump, of course, will have the final say, guided by his unmatched gut instincts.

Both Noem and Ramaswamy took the stage at CPAC, essentially vying for Trump’s nod in a remarkable audition.

Other contenders in the VP race feature the likes of Senator V.D. Vance, House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik from the Empire State, Senator Tim Scott from the Palmetto State, and the unexpected entry, former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard.

Among the CPAC faithful, Noem and Ramaswamy stood out at 15%, leaving Gabbard trailing at 9%, while Stefanik and Scott fetched 8%.

Ramaswamy’s magnetic Trump-esque swagger and eloquence captivated the crowd, propelling him to the top, despite finishing fourth in Iowa.

On the other hand, the more low-key Governor Noem, adored by the GOP base, is also regarded for her tight bond with Trump.

With Trump’s winning streak in the primaries, locking in his spot as the presumed Republican nominee for president, the spotlight is squarely on his VP pick.

While Trump playfully drops hints now and then, he’s kept the nation guessing about his ultimate selection.

During a town hall chat with Laura Ingraham on Fox News, Trump hinted that Noem and Ramaswamy are among his top picks.

He commented, “They are… honestly all of those people are good. They’re all good, they’re all solid,” when prompted with a roster of potential running mates.

Trump’s unexpected nod to Ron DeSantis raised eyebrows, considering their heated past. But DeSantis wasted no time in swatting away Trump’s offer, accusing him of playing “identity politics” in the VP selection process.

A Trump-DeSantis duo might be the least probable match-up now, alongside Trump-Haley.

Nikki Haley’s determination to stay in the race, despite a resounding loss to Trump in their home turf of South Carolina, is likely to irk the frontrunner, already juggling a barrage of legal battles.

Written by Staff Reports

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