
Uber’s ‘Wokeness’ Backfires as Diversity Leader Put on Leave Over ‘Karen’ Comments

Uber’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) leader, Bo Young Lee, has been put on leave after employees reported feeling outraged over two events titled “Don’t Call Me Karen,” according to a recent report by The New York Times. The virtual sessions were aimed to have discussions about the experiences of American white women. However, black and Hispanic workers voiced their concern through company Slack channels. Hence, Uber has taken action by investigating the matter further.

Black women raised concerns about how the diversity initiatives could avoid “tone-deaf, offensive, and triggering conversations” after the first “Don’t Call Me Karen” discussion in April. In response, Lee stated that the purpose of the series was to encourage uncomfortable conversations and ensure that employees come out from their “strategic ignorance.” Later, Lee conducted a second session about the same subject, which resulted in black and Hispanic employees feeling lectured.

One employee expressed their feelings that they felt like they were being scolded during the entire meeting. They also observed that calling someone a Karen implies that the person lacks empathy towards others who don’t look like them or are minorities. Hence, bad behavior should not be attributed to a specific group or race.

Employees accused Uber’s DEI staff of diminishing the racism perpetrated by white people by referring to “Karen” as a hurtful term. The company sent an email to employees, assuring them they have heard their concerns and will take necessary action.

The incident with Uber highlights the left’s obsession with “wokeness” and their prejudiced agenda towards white employees. It points towards the left’s hypocrisy, as they preach about equality while punishing a white woman for leading a diversity-related discussion. With their irrational approach towards discussions about diversity, the left displays the extent of its bias. Uber’s decision to put Lee on leave highlights the dangers of the left’s diversity initiatives and how conservatives become the victims of witch-hunts carried out by the left.

Written by Staff Reports

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