
Van Jones Slams Biden: Doubts Rise in Own Party over Aging POTUS

Van Jones, the liberal CNN political commentator, is once again causing some controversy with his blunt assessment of Joe Biden’s chances for re-election. Jones, who has been known to criticize his own party when necessary, is not holding back when it comes to voicing his concerns about Biden’s age and ability to handle the demands of the presidency.

Jones likened Biden to a beloved but aging grandpa, questioning whether he should be entrusted with another term in office. And it seems he’s not alone in his doubts. Even Democratic voters are expressing their concerns about Biden’s age and whether he is up to the task of leading the country. These concerns are becoming so widespread that even the liberal media can no longer ignore them.

Interestingly, Jones’s remarks come shortly after Jim Messina, Obama’s 2012 campaign manager, issued a reassuring message to Democrats about Biden’s re-election prospects. Messina acknowledged that the upcoming election will be close, regardless of who the Republican nominee is, and warned that Donald Trump could very well win again. This is certainly not what the liberal establishment wants to hear.

While it’s too early to make any final predictions, it’s clear that Biden’s foundation for a 2024 run is shaky at best. He is already heading into his re-election bid as one of the weakest incumbents in recent memory. The coming months will be crucial in determining whether Biden can overcome his numerous failures, such as broken promises, a lackluster economy, and high inflation.

For now, Democrats are stuck with Biden as their standard-bearer. Whether he can regain the trust of the American people and secure another term remains to be seen. But if Van Jones and other Democrats are any indication, the party is starting to have serious doubts about their aging grandpa in the White House.

Written by Staff Reports

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