
View Co-Hosts Tremble at Third Party Threat to Biden’s Bid!

In a recent episode of ABC’s “The View,” the hosts expressed their concerns about Robert Kennedy Jr.’s presidential bid. The co-hosts, particularly Sara Haines and Whoopi Goldberg, emphasized that this is not the time for Kennedy to potentially act as a “spoiler” for President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign.

Goldberg began the discussion by mentioning that Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom expressed his worries about Kennedy’s independent presidential campaign possibly harming Biden in the general election. This prompted Goldberg to ask the question, “Are you concerned with the governor’s concerns about… a third party?” Sunny Hostin shared her uneasiness about Kennedy’s candidacy and how it might affect the election.

She referenced how Green Party candidate Jill Stein’s campaign impacted the 2016 presidential race between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. Hostin pointed out that Stein’s vote total surpassed Trump’s margin of victory in three critical states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Hostin argued that if Stein had stayed out of the race, Clinton would have won the presidency.

The discussion took a political turn when Ana Navarro, one of the show’s supposed Republicans, chimed in. Navarro drew a parallel to the 1992 presidential race in which she claimed that independent candidate Ross Perot spoiled the re-election bid of then-President George H.W. Bush. Navarro contrasted Bush and his opponent, then-Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, as being “normal” and “sane,” in contrast to the GOP front-runner, Trump.

Navarro exclaimed that the country cannot tolerate Kennedy’s bid and went on to dehumanize Trump supporters, describing them as “cult members,” while praising Biden supporters as “normal human beings.” Haines joined the conversation by portraying Kennedy’s campaign as a threat to the two-party system and argued that this is not the time for a third-party candidate. She maintained that change comes slowly in the country and asserted that there is no room for an independent candidate this year.

Governor Newsom also expressed his concerns about third-party or independent candidates potentially becoming “spoilers.” Kennedy isn’t the only potential spoiler in the Democratic race, as Stein is seeking the Green Party’s nomination, left-wing social critic Cornel West is running as an independent candidate, and Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has hinted at the possibility of entering the race.

While the co-hosts of “The View” may have their concerns, Kennedy’s presidential bid and the emergence of other candidates outside the two-party system highlight the diverse political landscape in the country. As the 2024 election approaches, these voices will undoubtedly contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding America’s political future.

Written by Staff Reports

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