
White House Staff Fear Biden’s Anger While Admin Denies Claims

In a recent explosive report from Politico, it was alleged that White House staffers are quaking in their boots at the thought of presenting President Biden with any information that might trigger his wrath. The report painted a picture of a president whose senior team is meticulously curating briefing materials to avoid setting off any negative reactions from ol’ Joe.

Naturally, it didn’t take long for the White House to fire back at these accusations. White House Senior Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates rushed to defend the president, claiming that the notion of staffers being scared of Biden is simply preposterous. Bates insisted that Biden values input from a wide array of individuals, both within and outside of his administration.

But let’s face it, folks. We’ve all seen the clips. We’ve all witnessed those cringe-worthy moments where Biden seems like he’s lost in a fog of confusion. The idea that he’s an approachable and open-minded leader just doesn’t square with reality.

As the White House scrambles to do damage control, there’s chatter about Vice President Kamala Harris waiting in the wings, ready to step in. Despite denials from Biden’s camp about any plans to step aside, the speculation is swirling. 


And in the midst of it all, conservatives are left shaking their heads at the blatant spin and denial tactics being deployed. It’s increasingly clear that the facade of Biden’s presidency is teetering on the edge of collapse, with the American people growing weary of the smoke and mirrors routine.

As the drama unfolds in the highest corridors of power, one thing remains certain: the truth always has a way of coming to light, no matter how hard the powers that be try to obscure it. And for conservative Americans watching from the sidelines, it’s a spectacle that’s equal parts concerning and comical.

Written by Staff Reports

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