
White House Thrashes NBC’s “Treason” Claim Against Trump: Unconstitutional!

The White House is expressing strong disapproval of former President Donald Trump's recent calls for an investigation into NBC News on charges of "treason." They argue that such an inquiry would run afoul of the Constitution. Legal experts are suggesting that Trump's recent NBC interview may have inadvertently weakened his own defense concerning the federal indictments he faces for his role leading up to the January 6 Capitol riot. Adding to the controversy, the Biden administration has been accused of employing a "sue and settle" strategy to bypass Congress.

Nevertheless, Trump remains resolute and unyielding. He has taken to Truth Social to demand a Justice Department investigation into NBC, accusing them of "Country Threatening Treason." His rhetoric is unrelenting. White House spokesperson Andrew Bates countered, asserting that "Abusing presidential authority and infringing upon the Constitutional rights of journalists would constitute a severe assault on our democracy and the rule of law." It appears that the battle lines are drawn.

The saga continues, as Trump vows to initiate his own probe into the media if he secures victory in the 2024 election. He makes no effort to conceal his disdain for the media, labeling them as "dishonest and corrupt." In particular, he reserves harsh criticism for Comcast and NBC NEWS, characterizing their coverage as a "massive Campaign Contribution to the Radical Left Democrat Party." These comments sting. Additionally, he questions the entitlement of media companies like NBC to utilize valuable airwaves for free. Trump's grievances against what he perceives as the "enemy of the people" seem deeply entrenched. Will he ever let go of this feud? Only time will unveil the answer.

Written by Staff Reports

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