
WSF Betrays Female Athletes for Trans Agenda

The Women’s Sports Foundation is at it again, folks! This so-called “nonprofit” that claims to champion female athletes is actually pushing for biological males to compete against women. Can you believe it? They have the audacity to criticize bills that would protect women’s sports and promote gender equity. It’s clear that the WSF cares more about appeasing a small but vocal minority than about the fair play and safety of women athletes.


They’re currently meeting on Capitol Hill to talk about how “sport participation is building the leaders of tomorrow” and to discuss legislation for gender equity. But let’s not be fooled by their flowery language. This is the same organization that spoke out against a Mississippi bill that barred male athletes who identified as transgender from competing in women’s sports. They said it was “misusing girls and women’s sports” to target transgender athletes. Please, spare us the virtue signaling.

They also filed a brief against a similar Idaho law and supported the Department of Education’s proposed rule that would allow transgender athletes to compete in the category of their choosing. They claim that these laws and policies harm both cisgender and transgender girls and women. But what about the harm done to biological females who have trained their whole lives only to be overshadowed by biological males in their sport? That’s not fair play, folks.

It’s not just the Women’s Sports Foundation that’s promoting this nonsense. The NCAA is also getting in on the action. They recently updated their policy to require transgender athletes to monitor their testosterone levels for just four weeks before competing against women. Previously, they had to be on testosterone blockers for a year. This watered-down policy does not do enough to protect female athletes.

And let’s not forget about Lia Thomas, the transgender swimmer who dominated women’s collegiate swimming. The NCAA allowed Thomas to compete and dismissed the concerns of other female athletes who had to change in the same locker room. This is not the equality and fairness that women deserve.

It’s clear that WSF and the NCAA are more concerned with appeasing the transgender lobby than with protecting women’s sports. They are pushing out women in favor of biological men, and it’s problematic to say the least. We need to stand up for the rights and opportunities of female athletes and put an end to this madness. Women’s sports should be for women, plain and simple.

Written by Staff Reports

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