
Angel Moms Praise Trump & DeSantis: Heroes of Border Control!

Angel Moms, a group of mothers who have lost children to illegal immigrant crime, are closely examining the immigration policies of former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, the top contenders for the GOP presidential nomination. Mary Ann Mendoza, the founder of Angel Moms and Angel Families, expressed her support for Trump and DeSantis, stating that they are the only ones who address the concerns of victim families. Both Trump and DeSantis share similar views on immigration, including finishing the border wall, ending birthright citizenship, and eliminating “catch and release” policies.

DeSantis has actively engaged with Angel Moms across the country and has made significant progress on immigration issues in Florida. He has passed a comprehensive immigration plan that includes mandatory use of E-Verify, penalties for employing illegal aliens, and enhanced penalties for human smuggling. DeSantis has also prohibited local governments from issuing identification cards to illegal aliens and requires hospitals to track the costs of providing healthcare to illegal aliens. His efforts resonate with Angel Moms who want to see an end to the devastation caused by illegal immigrant crime.

Trump, on the other hand, has a track record of taking action on immigration. Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza previously supported Trump and commended his efforts to address the issue. She mentioned attending roundtable discussions with law enforcement and congressional members at the White House and stated that she would drop everything to support him. Trump has criticized DeSantis for merely copying his immigration platform, emphasizing that he has already used “deadly force” against illegal immigrants involved in drug trafficking.

Both Trump and DeSantis have garnered support from border sheriffs and local law enforcement agents. They have met with sheriffs along the U.S.-Mexico border to discuss border security issues. While DeSantis has been praised for his efforts in these meetings, Trump’s administration achieved significant milestones in reducing illegal immigration, such as building 465 miles of wall and implementing policies like Title 42 for instant expulsion of illegal aliens.

In conclusion, Angel Moms are carefully analyzing the immigration policies of Trump and DeSantis. DeSantis’s proactive approach in Florida has earned him support from Angel Moms like Mary Ann Mendoza. However, Mendoza acknowledges Trump’s accomplishments in curbing illegal immigration and recalls her past support for him. Both candidates have also received the endorsement of border sheriffs and local law enforcement agents. The race for the GOP presidential nomination continues as these two contenders vie for the support of Angel Moms and those who prioritize border security.

Written by Staff Reports

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