
Biden Admin Meeting Pushes Voter Registration Agenda

In 2021, the White House had a meeting over Zoom with groups to discuss a new executive order from President Biden. The order gave them new tools to register voters. Although the Biden administration says the meeting was “nonpartisan,” documents show that it focused on left-wing ideas for changing election policies. Nonprofit organizations worked with the government to bring the president’s order to life. Republican lawmakers and conservative groups are worried about the order, which they say might use federal funds to help Democrats win in the 2024 election.

The order calls for approved outside groups and state officials to help people register to vote on government property. Lawmakers say this could break the law and interfere with how government employees can engage in political activities. They are asking the Biden administration for rules about which groups can help with voter registration.

During the meeting, left-wing organizations shared their ideas for the executive order. They talked about helping people fill out voting forms, voting by mail, and giving federal employees time off to vote. Some groups suggested integrating voter registration into public housing. Conservative groups say this shows cooperation between the White House and activists to target voters likely to support Biden. A participant from a group supporting immigrants and noncitizens said federal employees need to be well-trained to register them to vote.

The meeting also included presenters from the League of Women Voters, the Sentencing Project, and the Campaign Legal Center, among others. These presenters discussed how federal agencies could register people to vote and change the Bureau of Prisons. Left-wing activist groups linked to this meeting are now launching campaigns to mobilize voters in the 2024 election.

Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation is concerned about the order because he believes the government should not be involved in voter registration. He worries that the party in power could use it to influence who gets registered. The White House did not respond to requests for comment.

Written by Staff Reports

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