
Biden and Trump Use Donor Funds for Legal Fees, Stirring Voter Concerns

President Biden and former President Donald Trump may be using donations to help pay for their legal fees, which is not against the law, but it could make donors and voters unhappy.

Candidates aren’t allowed to use money from their campaigns for personal reasons, but political committees like the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee are allowed to use their funds to help with a candidate’s legal expenses.

Matthew Steffey, a law professor at Mississippi College School, explained that using funding for legal fees is not illegal, but it might upset donors if the donations were not specifically asked for to cover legal bills.

President Biden used over $1 million from the Democratic National Committee to pay his lawyers for a special counsel’s investigation, while former President Trump has spent more than $100 million in legal battles, with about $50 million coming from the Save America PAC.

Lara Trump, who is co-chair of the Republican National Committee, has said that donors support the RNC helping to pay for Mr. Trump’s legal bills. She mentioned that people feel like the attacks on Mr. Trump are attacks on the country as a whole.

The party did not pass a resolution earlier this year to stop using donations for Mr. Trump’s legal bills, and the RNC has not yet commented on their current plans for Mr. Trump’s legal debt.

A pollster named Robert Cahaly mentioned that most Trump supporters don’t mind their donations being used to help Mr. Trump fight legal battles, as they see it as part of the larger fight against the left.

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Written by Staff Reports

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