
Biden Corruption Saga: Even Rashida Tlaib Can’t Deny It!

House Republicans, it’s time to take action! Senator Chuck Grassley has released a groundbreaking report that reveals the shocking bribery operation involving Joe and Hunter Biden and their involvement with Burisma Holdings. According to the report, both men were paid a whopping $5 million each in 2015-16, and it was all part of a scheme to protect Burisma from facing any consequences for their actions. The chief financial officer of Burisma, Vadim Pojarski, explicitly stated that they hired Hunter Biden to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.”

This report, known as the FD-1023, is based on information from a highly credible confidential human source who has been providing valuable intelligence to the FBI for years. It was first filed in 2018, but the FBI tried to withhold it from Congress. It wasn’t until FBI Director Christopher Wray was threatened with contempt that the document was finally handed over to the House Oversight Committee. The details in this report are damning, with evidence of Mykola Zlochevsky, the co-founder of Burisma, feeling coerced by the payments and even keeping a ledger and recordings of their phone conversations. It’s clear that the Bidens were involved in some serious corruption.

What’s even more concerning is that Zlochevsky is also reported to be an asset for Russian intelligence. If the allegations made by Tony Bobulinski about the Bidens being compromised by their dealings with China weren’t enough, this revelation about their ties to the Kremlin should raise even more red flags. It’s outrageous that Joe Biden could have been paid off indirectly by the Russians.

Now, let’s talk about the recent testimony from Joseph Ziegler, the IRS whistleblower. Ziegler, a gay Democrat and veteran of the IRS, revealed how Hunter Biden was blatantly violating the tax code, and charges were supposed to be filed against him. However, there was resistance within the Department of Justice, showing that this administration has been using its power to protect the president’s son. Delaware US Attorney David Weiss tried multiple times to bring charges but was unsuccessful due to interference from the DOJ.

And let’s not forget about the FBI’s role in all of this. They made sure to tip off Hunter’s lawyers about an interview in December 2020, and there have been countless instances of the Justice Department interfering in any investigation involving Hunter since the laptop scandal emerged during the 2020 election. This level of corruption is unprecedented, and it’s clear that the DOJ has been acting like Biden’s personal army to shield his son from scrutiny.

It’s time for House Republicans to take a stand and hold the Bidens accountable for their actions. The evidence is overwhelming, and the American people deserve the truth. This isn’t about partisan politics; it’s about upholding the rule of law. The decision should be clear – it’s time to start the hearings and appoint a special counsel to thoroughly investigate these allegations. It’s time for justice to be served.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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