
Biden Crumbles, Newsom Poised to Seize Power: Are Dems Desperate for 2024 Savior?

President Joe Biden’s campaign is in shambles, and it’s no surprise considering his mental and physical struggles. Rather than fighting for voters and proving himself as a deserving candidate for re-election, Biden has opted for a leisurely vacation away from the White House. The speculation is growing that Biden may not even make it to the 2024 race before dropping out.

If Biden does step down, Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom of California is waiting in the wings to swoop in as the potential nominee. Despite driving his own state residents away with his oppressive policies, Newsom has built an impressive fundraising effort that rivals that of presidential candidates. He claims he won’t run against Biden, but his actions speak louder than words.

Newsom has established three PACs affiliated with his name, which have already raised and spent millions of dollars within a few short months. This cunning move allows him to explore the possibility of a presidential run without explicitly announcing it. However, time is ticking for Newsom to make a decision. The Democrats may soon realize that they need to replace Biden’s name on the ballot to have any chance of victory.

As Biden’s list of scandals continues to grow and his cognitive decline becomes more apparent, the left becomes vulnerable and an easy target for former President Trump. It’s clear that Biden’s presidency is unraveling, leaving the door wide open for a competent conservative leader to step in and restore common sense to the country.

Brendan Glavin, a senior data analyst at Open Secrets, acknowledges that Newsom’s actions align with those of someone considering a presidential campaign. Despite not being set in stone, the establishment of these fundraising committees is a clear signal that Newsom has aspirations beyond being governor of California.

Newsom’s PACs boast significant funding, with $6.2 million and $6.3 million respectively. A large portion of these funds comes from previous campaigns and events, including a Biden fundraiser that raised $2 million and email blasts and fundraisers for Democratic parties in Republican-led states that accumulated $1.1 million. It’s clear that Newsom has powerful allies who are willing to support his political endeavors.

Earlier this year, Newsom made it clear that he was positioning himself for a presidential run. In an appearance on Fox News with Sean Hannity, he shamelessly praised himself for his supposed accomplishments in California while conveniently ignoring the exodus of residents, the surge in homelessness, and the alarming increase in crime. This shameless self-promotion reveals Newsom’s true nature and desire for power.

Additionally, Newsom has embarked on campaign-style trips, schmoozing with party leaders and organizations in states like Mississippi, Arkansas, Idaho, and Oregon. It’s evident that he is laying the groundwork and making connections to bolster his potential presidential bid.

It’s time for conservatives to stay vigilant and prepare for the potential rise of Governor Newsom. With Biden’s failures and Newsom’s hunger for power, America needs a strong conservative leader to steer the country back on the right path. The future of our great nation depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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