
Biden Flip-Flops Terror List, Houthis Hijack Ship

The Biden administration made the decision in February 2021 to remove the Houthi rebels, which were supported by Iran, from the State Department's terrorism list. They claimed it was to assist with the massive chaos in the country, but in reality, it was a policy reversal by President Trump.

"The State Department confirmed on Friday that President Joe Biden's administration will remove the Houthi rebels in Yemen, which are backed by Iran, from the Foreign Terrorist Organization and Specially Designated Global Terrorist lists," NBC News reported at the time. "The last-minute decision by the administration of former President Donald Trump to denounce the group that exercises authority over 80% of Yemen's territory."

The State Department issued the following statement: "We can confirm that the Secretary intends to revoke Ansarallah's Foreign Terrorist Organization and Specially Designated Global Terrorist designations following an extremely thorough review."

A cargo ship was commandeered this week by the Houthis, who have been launching a barrage of attacks against individuals in the Middle East ever since they were removed from the list.

Written by Staff Reports

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